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TelenorID+ Token Exchange

TelenorID+ roadmap is to support the OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange with both support for Delegation and Impersonation.

But at the moment TelenorID+ has only a custom legacy API that is supported. Note that this is deprecated and will be removed when the support for OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange is implemented. This functionality enables clients to change the tnuid in the access token, pointing this to another profile for the same enduser. This is only relevant for endusers with several profiles.


To use the token exchange solution your client needs to be configured to be allowed to use it.

Please contact us to make sure that this is configured.


The token exchange request is done using the Token endpoint where the following parameters must be set as followed:

Parameter Description
scope account.profiles must be one of the scopes
grant_type refresh_token
tnuId The tnuid of the profile that you would like to change to


POST /connect/token
CONTENT-TYPE application/x-www-form-urlencoded
