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To request an ID Token, use the /token endpoint.

The ID Token

The ID Token is primary extension that OpenID Connect makes to the oAuth standard. The ID Token is a security token that contains Claims about the End-User identity.

The userinfo endpoint can be used to retrieve updated identity information about the end-user. Make sure to use the userinfo endpoint if it’s important for you to have updated and correct end-user information during the user session.

If updated end-user information is’nt critical for your services and it’s more important to reduce dependencies and latency, then you could evaluate to only using the ID Token and ignore the userinfo endpoint

NOTE: The end-user information made available through this token is only connected to the end-user authentication. Please make sure to use the correct API if you would like to retrieve adresses, contact information or other end-user profil information. See more information about relevant API’s at the developer portal.

The token is a JWT with the following structure:

ID token header:

Claim Value
kid “Key identifier” unique identifier for the key and certificate used by TelenorID+. The corresponding public key and the certificate must be fetched from our .well-known endpoint.
alg “algorithm” algorithm used for signing the token. TelenorID+ only supports RS256 (RSA-SHA256)
typ “Token type” always: jwt, describing that this is a JSON Web Token

ID token body:

Claim Value Example
iat Timestamp when this token was issued. 1639039167
nbf Not before - same time as iat 1639039167
exp Expire - same time as iat 1639039167
iss The identifier of TelenorID+ as can be verified on the .well-known endpoint.
aud The client_id of the client who received this token. tnn-mbn-android-test
sub “subject identifier” - an unique identifier for the authenticated user. The value is pairwise, meaning a given client will always get the same value, whilst different clients do not get equal values for the same user. 2b424013-971b-4435-bdc1-d1075b05d0e9
sid   70A6B33AB0D906BC3D203AE946CCC63B
amr Contains information about the authentication methods used by the end-user in this session. See more information below
acr Authentication Context Class Reference sets the authentication level (AAL) achieved during this session This depends on the authentication providers used. ["urn:telenor.identity.aal.1"],["urn:telenor.identity.aal.2"],["urn:telenor.identity.aal.3"],
ibis.sid Internal session id in TelenorID+ cf2b1147-c2e7-4c74-a32e-3afdb034e181
analytics_uuid Internal session id in TelenorID+ 7568fe50-217f-4ab8-a4e4-29cbe7e118c9
family_name Lastname of end-user Rasmussen
given_name First and possible midle name for end-user Tom Peter
preferred_username The username used by the end-user during this session, can be a phonenumber or a email adress. 4799966634

Authentication Methods References(AMR)

In accordance with the OpenID Connect Core spec, section 2, the amr claim contains values identifying the authentication methods used in the authentication of the user. Most of the values are taken direcly from the authentication providers, such as TelenorID or Azure.

The following values are valid, new attributes can be added if the authentication providers expand their methods:

Authentication provider prefix Values Description
Telenor Digital TelenorID urn:telenor.identity.amr.td_ pwd, otp, sso, ok, hdr example: urn:telenor.identity.amr.td_otp or urn:telenor.identity.amr.td_ok,
Microsoft Azure urn:telenor.identity.amr.az_ pwd, mfa, otp, rsa, fed, wia, ngcmfa, wiaormfa, none Example: urn:telenor.identity.amr.az_pwd
BankID urn:telenor.identity.amr.bankid no values always only urn:telenor.identity.amr.bankid
BankID legacy impl urn:tnidplus:kyc no values This is a deprecated legacy authentication method in TelenorID+ only here for historic reasons
others urn:tnidplus:std no values TelenorID+ has some other authentication providers and methods, they are mostly legacy and all default to the same value



In this example the ID-token contains the following:


  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "cffb352e-2a50-4bdb-a553-982fd53b40b1",
  "typ": "JWT"


  "nbf": 1656586569,
  "exp": 1656586869,
  "iss": "",
  "aud": "demo-client",
  "iat": 1656586569,
  "at_hash": "tOPR4eXR_VBA24M-Lcxo_A",
  "s_hash": "VQcX09o3TF7NRyu79hpqag",
  "sid": "3F0AE1FE31529F6842489D0ABADF5D58",
  "sub": "2b424013-971b-4435-bdc1-d1075b05d0e9",
  "auth_time": 1656586568,
  "idp": "",
  "preferred_username": "4799966634",
  "given_name": "Tom Peter",
  "family_name": "Rasmussen",
  "analytics_uuid": "7568fe50-217f-4ab8-a4e4-29cbe7e118c9",
  "ial": "telenor.identity.ial2",
  "amr": [