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Userinfo endpoint

The userinfo_endpoint can be used to retrieve updated identity information about a user (see spec. The information in this endpoint has overlap with the userinformation found in the ID Token.

If updated end-user information is’nt critical for your services and it’s more important to reduce dependencies and latency, then you could evaluate to only using the ID Token and ignore this userinfo endpoint.

NOTE: The end-user information made available through this endpoint is only connected to the end-user authentication. Please make sure to use the correct API if you would like to retrieve adresses, contact information or other end-user profil information. See more information about relevant API’s at the developer portal.

The endpoint supports HTTP GET and HTTP POST

The client must provide the Access Token as a Authorization bearer token to use this endpoint. The scopes in the Access Token will decided witch claims the client is authorized to see and what claims that are returned in the response.


The userinfo endpoint has the following claims in the response.

Parameter Description example
email Requires a access token with scope email
phone_number Requires a access token with scope phone +4799988777
kurtid CustomerId, Requires a access token with scope profile 193885119
given_name Requires a access token with scope profile Sortebill
family_name Requires a access token with scope profile Duck
birthdate Requires a access token with scope profile 1984-12-12
analytics_uuid A uuid connected to the user account that SHOULD be the same throughout the user lifecycle, but not managed as the kurtid. Requires a access token with scope profile 3a238dc1-86d5-49ce-9beb-3f8453b0cb41
ial Identity assaurance level for the user account telenor.identity.ial2
sub “subject identifier” - an unique identifier for the authenticated user. The value is pairwise, meaning a given client will always get the same value, whilst different clients do not get equal values for the same user. 3ffecade-dd8f-460d-bee9-b81e8a4edae7

Example response


More information about the endpoint can be found here: API doc for the framework used by TelenorID+